Welcome to the course website. To get started in the course please:

  • Read the course syllabus. You will find the syllabus under general information.
Arrow pointing to "Course Syllabi 18FA"

Arrow pointing to “Course Syllabi 18FA”

  • Please review the assignment expectations contained in the syllabus.
  • Course expectations will be discussed and adjusted in the first two weeks of the course. It is helpful if you bring questions about the assignments to live sessions.
  • I will walk you through the course and answer your questions during the first live session. Please attend live at 8 pm on January 8th or watch the recording. Click here to join the live session or join through the collaborate section of Blackboard.
  • Students are encouraged to sync their calendar to the course calendar as described at this link.

I welcome feedback at any time and look forward to working with you.